Returning to the classroom is always an exciting experience, especially when it’s about sharing what’s really important to us.
During the fourth edition of the project “Padova Città della Pace e dei Diritti Umani”, Labiba had the privilege of presenting the fascinating exhibition “Children of a Minor God” by photographer Roberto Brancolini to two high school classes in Padua.
This project aims to foster collaboration between secondary schools and local associations working in the field of human rights, peace, and non-violence. The aim is to introduce the younger generation to these crucial topics and to encourage their active participation in the life of Padua, the city where it all began for us.

Labiba per le scuole

Current school curricula often end their historical teaching at the post-World War II era, inadvertently excluding a significant part of contemporary world history.
If you’re a teacher interested in teaching your students about human rights violations and international law in Palestine, we encourage you to contact us.
Labiba offers a comprehensive range of educational resources to introduce the history and culture of Palestine, as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.